Published January 20, 2023 | Version Versionn 1(DRAFT NOT YET APPROVED BY EUROPEAN COMMISSION)
Project deliverable Open

Open Science Methodological Toolkit

  • 1. University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest


The Open Science Methodological Toolkit aims to provide a concrete input to the task of stimulating the partner universities under the EELISA InnoCORE consortium to embrace Open Science, to cleverly design policies and strategies and to finally engage in open collaboration practices.

To ensure that the policies and practices already in place were joined up, and to avoid further fragmentation, the toolkit was built on an action model that leaves room for both joint actions and institutionally customised approaches.

The EELISA InnoCORE Open Science Toolkit is comprised of a proposal for a common vision for OS, a survey that assessed the state of play in the OS adoption and monitoring and corresponding recommendations, a roadmap and impact pathways for future developments and additional resources (e.g., examples of policies, courses, repositories).

After the Introduction, the need to put Open Science in the spotlight and to lay the groundwork for a common vision is approached in Action 1- Create a vision for open science.

Building upon the results of an EELISA InnoCORE internal survey, the current state of play of OS monitoring and implementation is discussed, and recommendations are made in Action 2: Identify Open Sciences practices to inspire institutions and researchers. Finally, Action 3: Smart integration of Open Science in the EELISA InnoCORE ecosystem designs a roadmap for further actions unfolding principles, mechanisms and pillars of action. With that, we try to explain how our activities are understood to produce a series of results that contribute to achieving the final intended impacts.




InnoCORE_UPB_WP3_D3.1_Open Science Methodological Toolkit, Version 1.pdf

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EELISA innoCORE – EELISA INNOvation and COmmon REsearch strategy 101035811
European Commission