There is a newer version of the record available.

Published January 19, 2023 | Version 4.6.3
Software Open

MAgPIE - An Open Source land-use modeling framework



  • 15_food changed anthro_iso_jun22 realisation such that results in case of exo_diet = 1/0 and exo_waste = 1/0 are identical until 2020
  • 30_crop identical assumptions for bioenergy until 2020
  • 38_factor_costs changed name of set req to factors (also used in 11_costs, 57_maccs, 70_livestock)
  • 38_factos_costs sticky_labor realization: included option to set a labor share target
  • 62_material Bioplastic demand identical in all scenarios until 2020
  • config added s38_target_labor_share, s38_targetyear_labor_share and s38_target_fulfillment to define labor share target scnarios
  • config and 38_factor_costs changed name of s38_fix_capital_need to s38_startyear_labor_substitution
  • config update input data to rev4.79
  • 31_past added additional limitation (single climate scenario input) for grasslands_apr22
  • 59_som added new cellpool_jan23 realization with updated 2019 IPCC guidelines values
  • scripts added start script which starts an empty model just regenerating a previous run
  • scripts make sure that c_title in the GAMS code is not containing dots which otherwise could lead to compilation errors



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