Published September 18, 2012 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

The wheat straw lignin as renewable polyol for polyurethanes elastomers

  • 1. Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry


The novel wheat straw) produced on CIMV pilot plant (France) was sequential extracted with organic solvents of different polarity (dichloromethane, methanol and dichloromethane/methanol mixture. Parent lignin was characterized by a weak activity in reaction with MDI in comparison with fractionated lignins. In this study the effects of lignin on the properties of PU elastomers obtained from three components systems included polyethelene glykol (Mn=400 g/mol) as a soft segment, fractionated lignins and commercial polymeric diphenylmethane diisocyanate Voratec SD 100 were investigated


N3-The wheat straw lignin as a renewable polyol of polyurethanes elastomers.pdf

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European Commission