Published December 30, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Application of sensor analysis methodology in fish snacks technology for express bars with regulated histamine content

  • 1. Odessa National Technical University
  • 2. Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies


The object of research is the technology of fish snacks for express bars with a regulated histamine content for the rational correction of certain diets of the population. One of the most problematic places in the technology of fish fermented products is the accumulation of biogenic amines with toxic properties. An increased intake of histamine can cause the so-called «histamine» migraine (Horton's syndrome), headache (Harris' neuralgia, characterized by pain in the eyes, forehead, temporal part of the head, lacrimation, inflammation of the nasal mucosa) and other symptoms, including the gastrointestinal tract, sweat, increased secretion of gastric juice, increased heart rate, and decreased diastolic (lower) blood pressure. In addition, the appearance, namely the shape and color of snacks, reduces the attractiveness of snack products.

In the course of the study, methods of sensory analysis, standard methods for studying physical and chemical quality indicators were used. The chosen methodology makes it possible to timely correct technological processes for the production of fish snacks to obtain high-quality, safe food products with a harmonic sensory profile, as well as to control the accumulation of biogenic amines.

The obtained results of the research conducted allow to state that the proposed technological methods and the developed ingredient composition of the mince mixture in the production of snacks contribute to the expansion of the range of snack products for a healthy diet with high consumer properties that provide an attractive appearance, safety, and biological value. This is due to the fact that the consumer preferences for shape, color, usefulness and safety taken into account made it possible, based on the methodology of sensory analysis, to scientifically substantiate the choice of raw materials, form requirements for the appearance of finished products and containers used for packaging snacks. The main raw material for the production of snacks is fish from inland waters of Ukraine with a low-active enzymatic system and, accordingly, a small amount of low-molecular volatile substances involved in the formation of odor. The production process ensures a high sanitary level and the use of consumer packaging of small capacity, which meets the modern requirements of visitors to express bars. In addition, natural biopolymers of plant origin have been introduced into the recipe composition of the minced mixture, which allow to control the process of accumulation of biogenic amines.


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