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Published January 13, 2023 | Version 2023.1.0
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  • 1. Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian
  • 2. UCLA
  • 3. University of Rochester
  • 4. Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • 5. Chandigarh University
  • 6. University of York
  • 7. University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • 8. University of Sheffield
  • 9. Vanderbilt University
  • 10. Yale University
  • 11. American University
  • 12. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
  • 13. CEA
  • 14. Princeton University
  • 15. Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas
  • 16. University of Delaware
  • 17. University of Stuttgart
  • 18. Aperio Software
  • 19. MIT
  • 20. College of William & Mary
  • 21. Victoria University of Wellington
  • 22. Boston University
  • 23. PES University
  • 24. U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
  • 25. Planetary Science Institute
  • 26. Michigan State University
  • 27. University of Washington
  • 28. Phoenix Security Labs
  • 29. Mullard Space Science Laboratory
  • 30. Centre Spatial de l'École Polytechnique
  • 31. Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
  • 32. IPPLM
  • 33. University of Michigan
  • 34. University of Edinburgh
  • 35. UiT The Arctic University of Norway


PlasmaPy is an open source Python package for plasma research and education.


Early development on PlasmaPy was partially supported by the U.S. Department of Energy through grant DE-SC0016363 that was funded through the NSF-DOE Partnership on Basic Plasma Science and Engineering; a Scholarly Studies grant awarded by the Smithsonian Institution; Google Summer of Code; and NASA Heliophysics Data Environment Enhancements (HDEE) grant 80NSSC20K0174.


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