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Published December 30, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Determining the medical and biological safety of meat-containing polycomponent products based on regional raw materials

  • 1. National University of Food Technologies
  • 2. Sumy National Agrarian University
  • 3. Medical Institute of Sumy State University
  • 4. Poltava University of Economics and Trade


This paper reports medical and biological studies of semi­finished meat product and meat­containing semi­smoked sausage on laboratory rats. The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of the developed products on the dynamics of live weight, the state of internal organs and tissues, general and biochemical parameters of the blood of animals when they are introduced into the standard diet in the amount of 30 %. The studies were conducted on 30 white nonlinear rats weighing 145–150 g, of which one control and two experimental groups were formed, according to the principle of the method of analog groups.
It is proved that the introduction of meat­containing multicomponent products with a high protein content into the diet of rats in the amount of 30 % of the standard diet contributes to the intensification of animal growth processes. It was confirmed that the increase in live body weight of rats after 21 days of the experiment amounted to 33–38 %, which is larger than that in control by 69–90 %.
No negative impact on the state of the internal organs of rats from the consumption of the developed products was detected.
It was found that the inclusion of meat­containing multicomponent products in the diet of rats contributes to an increase in erythropoiesis by 12.66 % compared to the starting data. The inclusion of products in the diet does not significantly change the content of leukocytes and platelets while increasing blood saturation with hemoglobin by 45.83–58.33 % higher compared to control animals.
The introduction into the diet of laboratory rats of meat­containing multicomponent products has an anabolic effect and contributes to an increase in the concentration of hemoglobin by 42.12 %, total protein by 4.79 %, creatinine by 19.68 %. In laboratory rats, there is a decrease in glucose by an average of 8.17 %, which indicates an intensification of processes in muscle tissue. Enhanced protein synthesis due to increased catabolism leads to an increase in bilirubin concentration by 19.12–21.97 % compared to control rats. Medical and biological studies of meat­containing multicomponent products can be applied in practice to confirm their safety


Determining the medical and biological safety of meat-containing polycomponent products based on regional raw materials.pdf

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