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Published January 12, 2023 | Version v1
Lesson Open


  • 1. UT2J


Building on the  training experiences of the MONTUS project financed by the European Union in the framework of Erasmus + Capacity Building,  pedagogical resources on 14 themes, structured around 3 axes (Foundations of environmental sciences, Data and management tools for environmental sciences, and computing for environmental sciences) were produced.

Our ambition is to train engineers and data technicians in the capacity to interact with environmental sciences. The future technicians and engineers who will be trained in the master will above all be specialists in cloud computing and artificial intelligence (data scientist). But they will also be technicians and engineers sufficiently trained in the environmental and societal challenges of the contemporary world to be able to provide their engineering in an appropriate manner to meet these challenges. Above all, they will have the capacity to be able to work in multidisciplinary contexts which are those who have to take up the challenge of the crises which threaten our planet in general and Vietnam in particular.

The aim of the selected themes of these resources is not to focus on how to form on IT specific skills, but to teach how to analyze and integrate data so that it meets the needs of managers and administrators of the urban planning, transport, agriculture and forestry, hydrology and public health. This involves many other skills than just technical ones: being able to communicate on the basis of solid theoretical bases with specialists in the themes mobilized.

These resources are intended as a teaching guide to discover the main elements of the different teaching units to be developed to form on specificities of environmental sciences, data, storage and processing. The idea here is that teachers can quickly have access to the ins and outs of each course with synthetic overview of the course and the skills to be acquired and reference bibliography items.

This document is a detailed description of the course "GIS & REMOTE SENSING FUNDAMENTALS", one of the pedagogical units of Data and management tools for environmental sciences.


This document was produced within the MONTUS project financed by the European Union in the framework of Erasmus + Capacity Building 598264-EPP-1-2018-1-FR-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP.



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