Published December 26, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Cognitive interest in teaching chemistry in secondary school on the basis of the principle of connection with life

  • 1. Pavlodar pedagogical university


The problem of motivating schoolchildren in the study of exact subjects, such as chemistry, is quite acute. The purpose of the work is to determine whether the motivation and perception of students will increase when teaching chemistry based on the principle of connection with life. The scientific and practical significance of the work is to show that the classical teaching of this discipline in high school, based on the study of topics related exclusively to the subject, sometimes makes it abstract and unattractive for students. The working hypothesis is that learning based on the principle of connection with life would rose students’ interest to the subject of chemistry. To motivate students, it is necessary to diversify didactic strategies. Therefore, such training should be practiced sporadically, alternating with «classical» education, and not continuously throughout the year. By the method of analyzing theoretical material regarding the described problem, an example of a topic is given that can be used to stimulate the cognitive interest of students. The methods and sequence of teaching are presented, with varied and original tasks for maximum motivation of students. The value of the study is that few teachers implement teaching based on the study of non-chemical topics, and so far, it has not been possible to analyze the proposed sequence. The obtained results allow us to conclude that teaching based on the principle of connection with life, such as «Perfume», motivates students more than the classical one, but requires more hours in terms of planning. The practical significance of the work lies in the possibility of applying the presented sequence to other exact objects.


Akhmet Makpal Nurlankyzy.pdf

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