Impact of the profile of public-private partnership projects on the economic potential of Central Asian countries
- 1. Kazakh National Agrarian Research University
The object of this study were projects based on public-private partnership. The results of the state of public-private partnership projects in various sectors of the economy of the Central Asian countries and the assessment of the prospects for their development are presented.
The study uses a comparative public-private partnership project and a forecast analysis of the economic performance of the economies of the Central Asian countries.
A comparative analysis revealed the predominant areas of public-private partnership projects. The Republic of Kazakhstan is ahead of other Central Asian countries in the implementation of public-private partnership projects with a total cost of USD 2. 863 billion. There are 136 projects in the Republic of Uzbekistan, dominated by the sphere of housing and communal services (collection, removal, sorting, and processing of solid household waste) and the field of culture and sports. There are three agricultural projects in the Kyrgyz Republic. In the Republic of Tajikistan, 32 projects are being developed, mainly aimed at the development of transport infrastructure. Turkmenistan is implementing two projects related to transport infrastructure and manufacturing.
Forecast analysis of economic indicators of countries makes it possible to identify the prerequisites for the use of market mechanisms to improve the agriculture of countries and the prospects for development from implementation for the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The most important task of the strategic development of countries with commodity economies is to increase food security. The creation of favorable conditions for the development of economic relations between the state and the private sector is inextricably linked with the need to provide state support measures and legal regulation
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