Published November 17, 2021 | Version v1
Conference paper Restricted

Building a Mobile AR Engagement Tool: Evaluation of Citizens Attitude Towards a Sustainable Future


The mobile Augmented Reality (AR) technology offers an accessible, inexpensive, and rich user experience that has the potential to lead towards this adoption. Mobile technology, and the easiness of immersing a mobile user in AR, impact the interaction of citizens with their environment. We leverage the deep penetration of mobile phones in urban environments and their advanced features to design and develop an AR citizen engagement tool. The tool is employed in a municipality and studied as means to foster citizen engagement in sustainable practices. The Technology Acceptance Model is used to study the acceptance of this application and the factors that may affect its adoption. Through a web-based survey, we assessed the factors and measures influencing the acceptance of technology and how they can be aligned with the characteristics of the contemporary urban settings and utilize the potentials offered by mobile AR technologies.



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DESSIN – Demonstrate Ecosystem Services Enabling Innovation in the Water Sector 619039
European Commission