Published September 28, 2016 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Variabilität und Häufigkeitsverteilung der Morphen am ersten unteren Molar (M1) in einigen Populationen der Feldmaus Microtus arvalis (Pallas, 1779)


Variation and frequency of enamel pattern in the first lower molar (M1) in some populations of the Common Vole Microtus arvalis (Pallas, 1779). – The variation in enamel pattern (morphotyps) in the first lower molar (M1) of the Common Vole, Microtus arvalis (Pallas, 1779) is investigated in some populations of Saxony and Brandenburg (Germany). It is concluded, that the "normal" structure is very constant, but it is a difference in the number of variations. They are higher in complexity as in simplicity forms.



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