Published September 15, 2022 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Amiota mariae Maca 2003


Amiota mariae Máca, 2003 Figures 17C–D, 19E, G, 24, 84B

Amiota mariae Máca, 2003: 268 (original description); Brake and Bächli, 2008: 253 (world catalog).

DIAGNOSIS: Medium to large fly (ThL 1.44– 1.59 mm); dark brown, almost black; dorsal half of frons black, ventral half of frons medium brown; outer paraphysis laterally flattened, with preapical dorsal hook that protrudes beyond apex of paraphysis, proximal spine perpendicular to paraphysis; inner paraphyses asymmetrical, heavily sclerotized, with 2 hooklike lobes directed laterally in opposite directions, each of these inner paraphyses with 4 spines.

DESCRIPTION: Medium to large fly (ThL 1.44– 1.59 mm), dark brown almost black, grading slightly lighter ventrally, legs yellow. Katepisternum lighter than remaining pleuron. Dorsal half of frons and orbital plate black, ventral half of frons medium brown. Eyes bright cherry red to wine colored. Facial marking small, depth 0.3× width. Cheek of moderate depth (EL/CW 16–20.75), yellowish. Palp yellow. Arista: Long, plumose; longest branch D3; A.R. 0.46; 4 long dorsal branches, 2 long and 1 short ventral branches; D2 pointed laterad, V2 pointed mesad; arista trunk with medium-length microtrichia over entire length. Male genitalia: Epandrium not split medially, ventral margin in this area discrete; ventral third of epandrium with clustered setae, single line of setae in line ascending dorsally to apex. Cercus almost crescentic, margins discrete from surrounding membrane. Surstylus nearly triangular; 14 prensisetae, apices blunt, nearly of equal size, comblike; distal half with scattered setulae; small, slender lobe arising behind apical most prensiseta. Subepandrial sclerite with large, broad subepandrial appendage deeply notched at base, apex pyramidal, roughly scoop shaped. Outer paraphysis long, heavily sclerotized, laterally flattened, the distal half with 6–8 scattered sensilla; vertical proximal spine 1/3 from base, perpendicular to paraphysis; slender preapical dorsal claw present, extended beyond apex of paraphysis. Inner paraphyses complex, asymmetrical, heavily sclerotized; with 2 hooklike lobes directed laterally in opposite directions, each with small spine; each of these paraphyses with 4 spines, as figured. Aedeagal apodeme with constriction in middle, base nearly as wide as the distal end, width 3/4 times the length, distal end flared, less sclerotized than the basal half. Hypandrium simple, of even thickness, nearly V-shaped in ventral view. Ejaculatory apodeme short, 1/2 the length of epandrium. Head and thorax measurements: (n = 5; Am 389, 603, 640, 692, 705) FL/FW 0.77 (0.72–0.82), EL/EW 1.39 (1.28–1.57), EL/CW 18.23 (16–20.75), FML/FMW 0.38 (0.30– 0.65), PR /RR 0.53 (0.45–0.58), ThL 1.51 (1.44– 1.59 mm).

TYPE MATERIAL: Holotype: male: As reported by Máca (2003): “ Canada, Quebec: Lac Roddic, 16 km S Maniwaki, 23.6.1991, leg. M. Barták ” [not examined]. Coll. J. Máca, to be deposited in National Museum of Prague, Czech Republic (NMPC).

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: Canada: Ontario: Chaffeys Locks Queens Univ. Bio. Stn., 1980-09-12, leg. S.A. Marshall, tree wound, 3♂ (Am 603*, 612, 636*, DEBU); Ferris Provincial Park, Drumlin Trail, 2003-05-01 through 2003-05-15, leg. P.D. Careless, 1♂ (Am 628*, DEBU); Noelville, 1974-08-10, leg. R. E. Roughley, 1♂ (Am 549*, DEBU); Ottawa, 1946-06-12, leg. G.E. Shewell, “Paratype,” [never published], 1♂ (Am 1365, CNC); 1989-09-20, leg. J. R. Vockeroth, 1♂ (Am 1236*, CNC); 1989-09-21, leg. J. R. Vockeroth, 1♂ (Am 1235*, CNC); 1991-08-31, leg. J. R. Vockeroth, Ex damp shaded ditch in Acer wood, 1♂ (Am 1255*, CNC); Ottawa, Lwr. Beechwood Cem., 1999-09-03, leg. J. R. Vockeroth, Acer wd. Aerial sweep, 1♂ (Am 1249, CNC); Ottawa, Monfort Hosp. wood, 1993-08- 07, leg. J. R. Vockeroth, aerial sweep, 1♂ (Am 1247, CNC); 1993-08-16, leg. J. R. Vockeroth, aerial sweep, 1♂ (Am 1276, CNC); Ottawa, Rockcliffe, Rockwood, 2007-07-18, leg. J. R. Vockeroth, 7pm, aerial sweep, CNC Diptera #160444, 1♂ (Am 1283*, CNC); Purpleville, 1961-07-25, leg. G.K. Morris, 1♂ (Am 555*, DEBU); Rattlesnake Pt. Conservation Area, 43 28 N, 79 55 W, forest, 2010-06-19, leg. B.J. Sinclair, 1♂ (Am 1280*, CNC). Quebec: Abbotsford, 1936-08-30, leg. G.E. Shewell, “Paratype - No. 8017 Paratype,” [not published], 9♂ (Am 1364*, 1366– 1373, CNC); 1937-09-30, leg. G.E. Shewell, “Paratype,” [not published], 1♂ (Am 1363*, CNC); Duncan Lake nr. Rupert, 1988-08-08, leg. J.F. McAlpine, hovering at ear, 1♂ (Am 1408*, CNC); Gatineau Co., Marsham Twp., Hilltop near Duncan Lake, 45 40 53 N, 76 03 01 W, 2001-07-21, leg. J and A Skevington, D.M. Wood, 1♂ (Am 1278*, CNC); Gatlineau Park, Meech Trail, 45 31 37 N, 75 54 43 W, 2011-07-09, leg. O. Lonsdale, 1♂ (Am 1240*, CNC); Gatineau Park, Waterfall trail, 45 28 42 N, 75 51 6 W, 2013-09-01, leg. J.M. Cumming, CNC287593, 1♂ (Am 1199*, CNC); Old Chelsea, 1955-09-20, leg. J.F. McAlpine, 1♂ (Am 1387*, CNC); Old Chelsea, Summit King Mtn., 1965-06-20, leg. D.M. Wood, 9♂ (Am 1295*, 1460, 1463*, 1472*, 1473, 1477, 1537*, 1538, 1540*, CNC). USA: Arkansas: Logan Co., Magazine Mt., 2750 ft., 1992-07-06, leg. D. Grimaldi, 1♂ (Am 337*, AMNH). New York: Niagara Falls, 1911-09-04, leg. M.C. van Duzee, 1♂ (Am 389*, CAS); Michigan: Marquette Co., Huron Mtns., Huron Mtn. Club property vicinity, 46.874950, -87.891717, 2018-07-06 through 2018-07-12, leg. T. Werner, 40♂ (Am 679*, 681*, 682*, 684*, 686–702*, 704–708*, 727*, 731*, 732*, 1054, 1055, 1061, 1067, 1068, 1074*, 1077, 1079–1081, 1088, AMNH). Virginia: Giles Co., Cascade Falls, 2001-05-19, leg. O. Lonsdale, 37 21 0 N, 80 36 30 W, debu01007851, 1♂ (Am 640*, DEBU); Floyd Co., #1, Mile 175.4 Blue Ridge Parkway, 1960-06-23, leg. G.W. Byers, 1♂ (Am 436*, SEMC).

DISTRIBUTION: This species was originally described from a single specimen collected in Canada (Quebec). It seems primarily abundant in the Great Lakes Region (Michigan and Ontario), although single specimens have been found in the Mid-Atlantic and the Ozarks, suggesting a larger range.

COMMENTS: Amiota mariae, as treated here, may constitute a species complex comprised of several species. Dissections reveal not only chiral variants, but varying degrees of sclerotization among specimens. External characters include eyes varying from bright cherry red to wine colored as well as variation in size and number of preapical and apical setae on the legs. DNA barcodes may be useful in helping to determine this. This species exhibits the characteristic behavior of attraction to the eyes and face common in many Amiota.


Published as part of Jones, Lance E. & Grimaldi, David A., 2022, Revision Of The Nearctic Species Of The Genus Amiota Loew (Diptera: Drosophilidae), pp. 1-181 in Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2022 (458) on pages 45-46, DOI: 10.1206/0003-0090.458.1.1,


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  • Maca, J. 2003. Taxonomic notes on the genera previously classified in Amiota Loew (Diptera: Drosophilidae, Steganinae). Acta Universitatis Carolinae Biologica 47: 247 - 274.
  • Brake, I., and G. Bachli. 2008. Drosophilidae (Diptera). World Catalogue of Insects 9: 1 - 412. Stenstrup, Denmark: Apollo Books.