Published July 16, 2021 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Viviparus acerosus


4. Viviparus acerosus (Bourguignat, 1862)

Findings in Serbia.

Vivipara hungarica: Hesse (1929).

Viviparus danubialis: Tomić (1959).

Viviparus acerosus maritzanus: Zilch (1955).

Viviparus acerosus: Jaeckel et al. (1958); Arambašić (1994); Karaman (2001, 2012); Karaman & Karaman (2007); Paunović et al. (2008, 2012 a); Marković et al. (2012, 2015); Martinović-Vitanović et al. (2013); Tomović et al. (2014).

Common name. Danube river snail.

Morphology. Large-sized species (shell up to 50 mm). Morphological identification is quite challenging due to close resemblance to other species of the genus, and some other viviparids. The shape of apex, and convexity of subsequent whorls, are considered as main taxonomic characters of adult specimens. Apex is white and pointed, umbilicus is narrow. For more details see Glöer (2019: 61, fig. 52).

Distribution and ecology. Muddy substrate of large slow-flowing rivers, standing waters and canals. Its native distribution range includes the Danube, Dnieper, and Dvina basins (Vavrova & Van Damme 2011; Vinarski & Kantor 2016). In Serbia mostly found along the Danube, Tisza, Sava and Velika Morava Rivers.

Other remarks. Considered as endangered in northern parts of its areal (Germany, Austria; Welter-Schultes 2012). Recently has established wild populations in the Netherlands where it is considered as an introduced species (Soes et al. 2009). On the IUCN Red List it has been assessed as LC (Vavrova & Van Damme 2011).


Published as part of Marković, Vanja, Gojšina, Vukašin, Novaković, Boris, Božanić, Milenka, Stojanović, Katarina, Karan-Žnidaršič, Tamara & Živić, Ivana, 2021, The freshwater molluscs of Serbia: Annotated checklist with remarks on distribution and protection status, pp. 1-64 in Zootaxa 5003 (1) on page 10, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5003.1.1,


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  • Bourguignat, J. R. (1862) Descriptions des Paludinees de l'Algerie, des Vivipara d'Europe et de deux especes nouvelles de la famille des Paludinees. Revue et Magasin de Zoologie Pure et Appliquee, 2 (14), 93 - 118.
  • Hesse, P. (1929) Schnecken aus dem nordlichen Serbien. Archiv fur Molluskenkunde, 61 (1), 230 - 240.
  • Tomic, V. (1959) s. n. In: P. S. Pavlovic's collection of the recent Gastropoda in the Natural History Museum in Beograd. SANU, Posebna izdanja, 27, pp. 1 - 74. [in Serbian]
  • Zilch, A. (1955) Die Typen und Typoide des Natur-Museum Senckenberg, 14: Mollusca, Viviparidae. Archiv fur Molluskenkunde, 84 (1 - 3), 45 - 86. https: // doi. org / 10.1127 / arch. moll / 133 / 2004 / 193
  • Jaeckel, S. V., Klemm, W. & Meise, W. (1958) Die Land und Susswasser-Mollusken der nordlichen Balkanhalbinsel. Abhandlungen und Berichte aus dem staatlichen Museum fur Tierkunde Dresden, 23, 141 - 205.
  • Arambasic, M. (1994) Composition and structure of mollusc fauna of the Yugoslav part of the Danube and saprobity estimation. In: Jankovic, D. & Jovicic, M. (Eds.), The Danube in Yugoslavia: Contamination, protection and exploitation. Institute for Biological Research Sinisa Stankovic, Beograd, pp. 124 - 130.
  • Karaman, B. & Karaman, G. (2007) Catalogus of the freshwater snails (Mollusca, Gastropoda) of Serbia. Crnogorska Akademija Nauka i Umjetnosti Glasnik Odjeljenja prirodnih nauka, Podgorica, 17, 167 - 222.
  • Paunovic, M. M., Borkovic, S. S., Pavlovic, S. Z., Saicic, Z. S. & Cakic, P. D. (2008) Results of the 2006 Sava survey: aquatic macroinvertebrates. Archives of biological sciences, 60 (2), 265 - 271. https: // doi. org / 10.2298 / ABS 0802265 P
  • Paunovic, M., Tomovic, J., Kovacevic, S., Zoric, K., Zganec, K., Simic, V., Atanackovic, A., Markovic, V., Kracun, M., Hudina, S., Lajtner, J., Gottstein, S. & Lucic, A. (2012 a) Macroinvertebrates of the Natural Substrate of the Sava River - preliminary results. Water Research and Management, 2 (4), 33 - 39.
  • Markovic, V., Atanackovic, A., Tubic, B., Vasiljevic, B., Kracun, M., Tomovic, J., Nikolic, V. & Paunovic, M. (2012) Indicative status assessment of the Danube River (Iron Gate sector 849 - 1,077 rkm) based on the aquatic macroinvertebrates. Water Research and Management, 2 (2), 41 - 46.
  • Martinovic-Vitanovic, V. M., Rakovic, M. J., Popovic, N. Z. & Kalafatic, V. I. (2013) Qualitative study of Mollusca communities in the Serbian Danube stretch (river km 1260 - 863.4). Biologia, 68 (1), 112 - 130. https: // doi. org / 10.2478 / s 11756 - 012 - 0137 - 3
  • Tomovic, J., Paunovic, M., Atanackovic, A., Markovic, V., Gacic, Z., Csanyi, B. & Simic, V. (2014) Biotic typology of the Dan- ube River based on distribution of mollusc fauna as revealed by the Second Joint Danube Survey (2007). Acta zoologica bulgarica, 66 (4), 527 - 537.
  • Gloer, P. (2019) The freshwater gastropods of the West-Palaearctis. Biodiversity Research Laboratory, Hetlingen, 399 pp.
  • Vavrova, L. & Van Damme, D. (2011) Viviparus acerosus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, 2011, e. T 23040 A 9408473. [downloaded 3 May 2021] https: // doi. org / 10.2305 / IUCN. UK. 2011 - 2. RLTS. T 23040 A 9408473. en
  • Welter-Schultes, F. W. (2012) European non-marine molluscs, a guide for species identification, planet poster editions. Planet Poster Editions, Gottingen, 674 pp. [in German]
  • Soes, D. M., Gloer, P. & de Winter, A. J. (2009) Viviparus acerosus (Bourguignat, 1862) (Gastropoda: Viviparidae), a new exotic snail species for the Dutch fauna. Aquatic Invasions, 4 (2), 373 - 375. https: // doi. org / 10.3391 / ai. 2009.4.2.12