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Published December 20, 2022 | Version 1.0
Project deliverable Open

ENVRI-FAIR D9.9: Marine subdomain FAIRness assessment report

  • 1. Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer
  • 2. European Contribution to Argo Program


This report, deliverable D9.9 - Marine subdomain FAIRness assessment report, is the result of Task 9.5 “Marine Research Infrastructures FAIR services” activities which involved all RIs within the Marine subdomain and tuning with WP5 (Community standards and catalogue of services) and WP7 (Common implementation and support). It compiles and analyses the annually successive versions of FAIR Implementation Profiles performed in 2019, 2020 and 2021.


ENVRI-FAIR D 9-9 Marine subdomain FAIRness assessment report.pdf

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ENVRI-FAIR – ENVironmental Research Infrastructures building Fair services Accessible for society, Innovation and Research 824068
European Commission