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Published January 3, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Pharmacological Screening Of Chrozophora Tinctoria Leaves Extract As Antidiabetic Effect In Rat


Objective: The present study was carried out to evaluate the pharmacological screening of Chrozophora tinctoria leaves extract as antidiabetic effect in rat.

Method: The method is used to evaluate pharmacological potential of aqueous leaves extract as antidiabetic effect in rat. In this model, streptozotocin(60mg/kg b.w.) induced rats for one day through intraperitoneal administration, the effect of Chrozophoratinctoria at different dose level that is higher dose (100mg/kg b.w. p.o.) and lower dose (50mg/kg b.w. p.o.). From the study observed that Chrozophoratinctoria significantly protect the destruction of β-cells of pancreas from streptozotocin induced diabetes in rats. Streptozotocin induced ruputered and destruction of islet of langerhens and acini, destruction of intralobular duct and interlobular duct, and necrosis in parts of pancreas was found to be reduced in the groups receiving Chrozophoratinctoria along with streptozotoc in. Chrozphoratinctoria also normalized the streptozotocin induced diabetes decrease the blood glucose serum insulin, protein and uric acid levels. This is also evidenced by the histopathological studies.

Result and  discussion: The ant diabetic activity of Chrozophora tinctoria was determined by having comparsion between diseased group and treatment group with reference to standard group on the basis of improvement in elevated levels of biomarkers such as blood glucose (97.8±5.7**), serum insulin(1.48±0.36**), protein(6.4±0.36**), uric acid(2.04±0.27**), triglyceride(135.2±3.20**), total cholesterol(02.5±2.6**), SGOT(88.81±6.90**), SGPT(67.8±10.28**), HDL(51.76±7.92**) and LDL(80.68±10.62**) decrease the level of TBARS(258.93±7.85**) and increase the level of SOD (73.82±10.60**), Catalase(16.47±0.42**) and GSH (0.47±0.21ns). At the last it was observed that high dose(100mg/kg) of Chrozophora tinctoria was more significantly effective as compared to the low dose (50mg/kg) on the basis of evaluation of overall biological parameter and histopathological activities


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