Published December 30, 2022 | Version v1
Report Open

D10.1 Overview from the literature / studies on societal support for new energy technologies and hydrogen in particular


  • 1. Hanzehogeschool Groningen


Social acceptance is an important aspect in the realization and implementation of various renewable energy technologies. Our main objective with this literature review is to provide insight into public support, social acceptance and societal readiness for new energy technologies in general, and hydrogen, both as an energy carrier and as an application in the built environment, in particular. 110 relevant articles were identified, of which 28 have been included in this literature review, based on relevance and year of publication (2012-2022). Generally, the findings show there is low awareness concerning hydrogen, as well as limited knowledge and familiarity with this new energy technology, especially concerning hydrogen storage. Despite this, there is overall moderate to high willingness to accept hydrogen, which decreases when it comes to the local implementation of hydrogen projects. Safety and affordability were two important characteristic of a hydrogen industry that would motivate people to support this industry, together with climate change mitigation. Safety concerns over the flammability of hydrogen are mostly expressed when used for household activities and storage, and less so when it concerns the use of hydrogen for transportation. Communication about safety and risks, transparent interaction between all parties and the community, as well as giving the community a voice in the decision-making process, will be essential for hydrogen acceptance. Together with the results from five case studies (deliverable 10.3 of the HyDelta 2.0 project), recommendations regarding the elements that should and should not be included in a development and implementation strategy will be given.    


Dit project is medegefinancierd door TKI Nieuw Gas | Topsector Energie uit de PPS-toeslag onder referentienummer TKI2022-HyDelta.

