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Published September 25, 2021 | Version v1
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Ekspresowa Analiza Zagrożenia Agrofagiem: Anthonomus eugenii Cano

  • 1. Institute of Plant Protection - National Research Institute, Poland


Anthonomus eugenii is a pest of peppers (and to a lesser extent eggplant) in tropical and subtropical climates (mainly Central America). It is native to Mexico from where it has spread to other countries in the region. It can probably also be a pest of field crops and survive in outdoor conditions in southern Europe. A. eugenii was first observed in the EPPO region of Italy in 2013, where it was successfully eradicated in 2020. Experiences from Canada and the Netherlands show that the species can also become a pest of greenhouse crops in colder countries, although in these (as in the PRA area) it would not survive the winter outside heated facilities. Infestations and infestations of greenhouse crops have occurred around sorting and repacking sites for fresh peppers and eggplant imported from areas infested with the pest. Due to the small number of heated greenhouse facilities producing peppers in the PRA area (only a few greenhouses), the risk of the pest emerging and becoming established is low.


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