Published November 22, 2022 | Version v1
Presentation Open

Setting up your own Wikibase reconciliation service (e.g. for OpenRefine) - Netherlands Wikibase Knowlegde Group, 23-11-2022


How to install a reconciliation service for your own Wikibase and use it in OpenRefine. Presentation during the 4th meeting of the Dutch Wikibase Knowledge Group on 23 November 2022.

====== CONTENTS ==================

Making a recon service for your own Wikibase and use it in OpenRefine in 3 easy steps

1) Install the recon service for your Wikibase

2) Connect OpenRefine to your Wikibase instance

3) Configure your Wikibase instance

3 easy steps: approach documented by KB -


Setting up your own Wikibase reconciliation service_WBNLKennisgroep_23112022.pdf

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