Published December 28, 2022 | Version 2
Software Open

Validated LISFLOOD-FP model for coastal areas, Deliverable 5.2 – ECFAS Project (GA 101004211),

  • 1. Consorzio Futuro in Ricerca (CFR)
  • 2. Collecte Localisation Satellites (CLS)
  • 3. University of Cadiz (UCA)


The European Copernicus Coastal Flood Awareness System (ECFAS) project aimed at contributing to the evolution of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service ( by demonstrating the technical and operational feasibility of a European Coastal Flood Awareness System. Specifically, ECFAS provides a much-needed solution to bolster coastal resilience to climate risk and reduce population and infrastructure exposure by monitoring and supporting disaster preparedness, two factors that are fundamental to damage prevention and recovery if a storm hits.

The ECFAS Proof-of-Concept development ran from January 2021 to December 2022. The ECFAS project was a collaboration between Scuola Universitaria Superiore IUSS di Pavia (Italy, ECFAS Coordinator), Mercator Ocean International (France), Planetek Hellas (Greece), Collecte Localisation Satellites (France), Consorzio Futuro in Ricerca (Italy), Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Spain), University of the Aegean (Greece), and EurOcean (Portugal), and was funded by the European Commission H2020 Framework Programme within the call LC-SPACE-18-EO-2020 - Copernicus evolution: research activities in support of the evolution of the Copernicus services. 

Description of the product

The deliverable is composed of a technical report and a compressed directory with Matlab routines ready for pre/post processing using the LISFLOOD-FP model. Both prodcuts were developed under Task 5.2 - Flood modelling: calibration and validation of flood model and Deliverable 5.2 - Validated LISFLOOD-FP model for coastal areas

The technical report describes the scientific method used for calibrating and validating the LISFLOOD-FP model for coastal areas at Pan-European level. It presents the results obtained through 17 test-cases and the analyses performed to identify the optimal set of parameters that were used for the flood map catalogue of T5.4 - Modelling of coastal flood characteristics along flood-prone areas at EU level. In addition, the method implemented for extracting the observed flood extension derived from satellite images is detailed.

The scripts developed for pre-processing the external data and generating the input files for the LISFLOOD-FP model are attached to the report. Three scripts are editable and adaptable to each test case, while 8 functions formed a fixed library. In addition, the script converting the result from LISFLOOD-FP to flood map is made available.

This routines ready for pre/post processing using the LISFLOOD-FP are made available under GNU General Public License v2.0 or later.

This technical report is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Reference literature:

Le Gal, M., Fernández-Montblanc, T., Montes, J., Souto Ceccon, P., Duo, E., Ciavola, P. and Armaroli C. (2024), Influence of model configuration for coastal flooding across Europe, Coastal Engineering, 192, 104541, ISSN 0378-3839,


ECFAS partners provide the data "as is" and "as available" without warranty of any kind. The ECFAS partners shall not be held liable resulting from the use of the information and data provided.

This project has received funding from the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101004211

