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Published February 8, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The Impact of Ethical Leadership on Organizational Commitment: A Sequential Mediation

  • 1. Deputy Treasurer
  • 2. Assistant Professior


Creating an ethical work place is essential in current business scenario. Leadership can play a vital role in
highlighting the ethical values of a company by emphasizing fair and impartial managerial policies and
practices. The current study is designed to establish the impact of ethical practices of leaders on the
organizational commitment of employees by using sequential mediation of civility and work engagement. For
the purpose of this study, we employed Hayes’ process Model 6 on the data collected from 309 employees of
higher education sector in Pakistan. Results of the study show ethical leadership has significant impact on the
organizational commitment. Further, work engagement and civility mediate the relationship between ethical
practices of leaders and their followers’ commitment with the organization. Therefore, organizational
commitment can be enhanced by establishing civility and ensuring work engagement in the organization.


1. The impact of ethical leadership on organizational commitment A sequential mediation.pdf