Published December 27, 2022 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Deliverable 4.5 Train the Trainers Methodology

  • 1. Platoniq
  • 2. WLT
  • 1. Europeana Foundation
  • 2. Absiskey


This deliverable outlines exercises and information to support the use of the Open Observatory and the Visual Analytics Dashboard. What is meant by supporting the use is empowering new participants, stakeholders and cultural heritage communities to not just participate but manage and administrate autonomously on the Open Observatory. The vivacity and diversity of a digital community arises through multiple stakeholders being able to self direct and best use the tools and resources of a digital platform to forward agendas that grow and resource their communities.

The inDICEs Open Observatory aims to be a digital space for innovation with diverse participation across Europe. This deliverable captures the work that has been done thus far to create reusable content that partners and stakeholders can use to onboard participants and create new communities, increase skills and capacities on the platform, develop a shared sense of governance within those communities and design community engagement with impact in mind. As in deliverable 5.6, this deliverable has implemented methods such as personas to create an understanding of what skills and topics would be necessary to onboard new stakeholders, enable them to be administrators, develop a framework for community engagement and governance, and work within
transdisciplinary collaborations to share, develop, or even reuse research within the cultural heritage sector.


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European Commission
inDICEs – Measuring the impact of DIgital CulturE 870792