Deliverable 3.3 – Infocharts describing the CHIs DSM readiness Assessment Methodology
- 1. NISV
- 2. FBK
- 3. Absiskey
- 4. KU Leuven
- 5. Europeana Foundation
- 6. ICCU
- 7. Centrum Cyfrowe
De D3.3 Infochart describing the CHIs DSM readiness Assessment Methodology gathers the infographics that were designed in the project for the development of the CHI readiness assessment methodology - the inDICEs Self-assessment tool - as well as for its dissemination. The graphic designs and representations will be used to convey the key concepts that drive the participatory innovation and its monitoring as is envisaged by inDICEs. They will be used in the final version of our D3.2 deliverable “Deliverable 3.2: Guidelines for CHIs Digital Transformation” and in the upcoming inDICEs MOOC. They will also be used in web communications for the project on the website and social media - Facebook, Twitter and Linked-In, and will be integrated in the participatory platform.
The infographics centre on the 4 monitoring domains identified for the self-assessment tool: Digital Trends and Participatory content, Empowering IPR for the commons, Invigorating Collaboration and Organisation Growth, Approaching Innovation and Digital Strategy. The infographics will become powerful communication tools for the project when we start to promote the self-assessment tool and the MOOC. They are meant to be styled in a consistent way, with the aim to appeal to a public of CHI professionals as well as senior management and decision makers. The design has been granted to a professional design bureau.
Part 1, “Digital Trends and Participatory content” contains infographics on the regimes of cultural production, the 8 impact areas of Culture 3.0, Data collection and analysis and also highlights project research results in this area. Part 2, “Empowering IPR for the commons, describes 5 steps for CHI’s to take when managing IPR for their collections, in light of their public mission of open access. Part 3, “Invigorating Collaboration and Organisation Growth” features graphics on the need for collaboration and the value creation chain. In the last section, Part 5, “Approaching Innovation and Digital Strategy” a set of 10 visualisations on this topic detail innovative workflows.
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