Features of economic deformation due to the adoption of political decisions leading to the formation of economic crises of a synthetic secondary nature on the example of the sanctions policy of the European Union against Russia
The economic analysis of political decisions is the most complex and complex due to the fact that in the course of the study it is necessary to take into account the specific features of political logic, which, in many respects, does not coincide with the implementation and transformation of economic laws and trends and puts itself above the economy. This leads to extremely negative consequences for states and regions. Political ideology, political will does not necessarily destroy the economy. Often, putting itself above the economy, it leads to the deformation of economic ties and the reduction of economic stability. Then economic crises of a synthetic secondary nature are formed, i.e., crises that could be smoothed out from the outset, subject to competent consideration of economic laws and international economic relations. The subject of the study is the sanctions economic measures of the European Union. The purpose of the study is to detect economic deformation due to the adoption of political decisions that lead to the formation of crises of a synthetic secondary nature. To achieve the purpose of the study and solve the tasks set, logical, historical, comparative and deductive methods of studying and analysing materials were used. The study used the documents of the European Commission, statistical data and publications of researchers in economic and political crises. The author concludes that the sanctions economic policy of the European Union, which also covers the EU candidate and partner states, for all its general logic, has five main and fundamental errors. These errors are so critical and obvious that they cannot contribute to the expected results. On the contrary, this sanctions policy helped Russia significantly strengthen its political position in the international arena and attract a sufficient proportion of Russian citizens to the side of the authoritarian government in order to start fundamental social transformations in the country aimed at distancing Russian society from the European community so that the principle of “sobornost” becomes again leading in social behaviour of the majority of Russians.
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