Published December 24, 2022 | Version v0.9
Dataset Open

Golden Agents - Processes of Creativity (case study)

  • 1. University of Amsterdam
  • 2. Utrecht University
  • 3. Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands
  • 4. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam


We can observe a 'rise' of or 'renewed interest' in the illustrated book in the second half of 17th century and the beginning of the 18th century. New genres and techniques and an increasing competition in the book market lead to new collaborations between authors, printers, and illustrators. It would be interesting to track these producers who collaborated on illustrated book projects and trace whether these commercial collaborations were grounded or resulted in social and/or religious interactions. For this, we are bringing together several datasets in the Golden Agents infrastructure that each contain information on the production of books, or on social relations between actors involved in the production process.

Aim of case study:

  • Linking & querying different datasets to find overarching patterns on creative industries in the Dutch Republic

Overarching Research Question:

  • How can we map innovation in cultural production?
  • What is the relation between different sorts (bonding & bridging) of creative and social interactions?

This release (v0.9) marks the state of the data and case study at the end of the Golden Agents project (2016-2022).


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