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Published December 22, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Fabrication and Implementation of Airside Entry Access of Flight Crew Using RFID Technology


  • 1. Assistant Professor, REMO International College, Alandur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India


Crew members of airlines are facing problems for accessing airside of airports through continuous checks and it is a time taking process. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is the promising technology which will reduces the access time and improves security and ensures safety in airport and as well as in many industries. In our proposed project, fabrication of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technological system will give the access or denial indication for particular crew member to enter the airside of the airport. When the RFID card is placed near the RFID reader, the information in the card will be checked with airline roster database and it will give the access or denial indication in the visual (monitor) and aural display if the aircrew’s name is not on the duty roster. This proposed system prevents unnecessary movement of aviation staff in the airport. Also, this proposed system will reduce the access time to airport for their duties. The functional system of airport administrative department will be reduced burden for accessing of crew member if they are not on duty and will not be given entry access. This enhances the safety and security of airport and reduced time access of duty staff access to airfield area. This proposed system works excellent by comparing theoretically and practically.



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