6TiSCH traces in real-world network deployment
This data set includes the detailed logs of the 6TiSCH network created with the Contiki-NG OS running on LOG-a-TEC testbed, which is located in the park area of the Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana. The data set can be used to analyze the operation of the 6TiSCH network in a real-world outdoor environment, to detect network anomalies or environmental changes, to classify network uptime, throughput and traffic volume, etc. The generated logs contain all metrics (RSSI, LQI, SQN, ASN, IPv6 address, frequency channel, timestamp) for in-depth analysis.
Network setup
6TiSCH network was set up with 15 testbed devices which and operated for 5 days. To generate additional traffic, the devices sent a UDP packet (size 10B) to the root of the network at intervals of 10 seconds (+ random jitter). Besides application packets (UDP), the devices also exchanged packets for network maintenance - UDP packets can be identified by searching for a packet length.
Data set structure
The included folder contains the logs from all devices used. The suffix of the folder name represents the last 3 digits of the device's IP address. Each folder contains several files. The prefix of a file stands for the order of the collected logs - after 1 hour elapsed, the measurements are saved in a new file.
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