Published December 20, 2022 | Version v1
Dataset Open

South Atlantic Ocean profile dataset: identification of near-Antarctic profiles using unsupervised classification

  • 1. British Antarctic Survey


This dataset consists of temperature and salinity profiles taken by Argo floats ( and ship-based CTDs as recorded in the World Ocean Database ( It covers 65°W to 80°E in longitude, 85°S to 30°S in latitude (roughly the South Atlantic Ocean and a part of the Indian Ocean). In the vertical, it covers the top 1000m of the ocean. 

It was prepared using MITprof, which is a toolbox for Matlab:

Gael Forget. (2017). gaelforget/MITprof: various updates and minor improvements (v1.0.1). Zenodo.

This dataset should be considered the "initial" dataset that has been classified into five sub-groups using a profile classification model (PCM) built on Gaussian mixture modelling. The five-component PCM consists of these profile types: (1) subtropical Atlantic, (2) subtropical Indian, (3) circumpolar (more northern), (4) circumpolar (more southern), and (5) near-Antarctic.


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Advaenced state estimats of the ocean and cryosphere: innovative new tools to better understand, predict, and prepare for sea level changes MR/T020822/1
UK Research and Innovation
SO-CHIC – Southern Ocean Carbon and Heat Impact on Climate 821001
European Commission