Ancyropilus exossuarius Bartlett & Lambkin 2022, sp. nov.
Ancyropilus exossuarius sp. nov.
ZooBank registration: 56A289C5-8C26-45DD-B2D2-C9E6F31AD5AD
(Figs 29, 68, 104, 140; Map 1)
HOLOTYPE ♀: Queensland: Qld, Plevna Downs. Tompilly Hill base (PD6). 187m 26.725° Sx 142.651°E 16Sept-2Oct2008. Malaise Lambkin, Mackenzie, Starick. Eucalyptus 16278 (QM, type reg. T258546). PARATYPES (10): Queensland: Qld: 26.67° Sx 142.577°E 2.5km WNW Plevna Downs HS (PD3 M) 133m. Gidgee 15 Mar-3Apr 2009. Malaise. R. Mackenzie. 17317 (1 ♀, QM); Qld: Plevna Downs. 12.7km SSE HS (PD8). Malaise 26.786° Sx 142.648°E 16Sept-2Oct2008. Starick, Lambkin, Mackenzie. 145m Eucalyptus 16285 (1 ♁, 2, QM); Qld: 26.541° Sx 142.516°E Plevna Downs, 2.3km SSW Arima (PD2 M) Malaise. 13 Jan-3 Apr 2008. 132m. R.Mackenzie. Gidgee 17284 (1 ♁, QM); Qld: 26.728° Sx 142.651°E Plevna Downs, Tompilly Hill Base (PD6 M) 187m 24Apr-24Jul 2008. G Turner, R Mackenzie. Malaise. Gidgee. 17320. (1 ♀, 1, QM); Qld: 28.813° Sx 144.462°E Currawinya NP. 4km NW HQ (CW3M) dense Mulga. 10-26Sep 2008. 145m. A. Townsend & J. Burke. Malaise trap. 17227 (1 ♀, 1, QM); Qld: 24.135° Sx 143.201°E 3.5km SE HS Noonbah Stn (NB1M) 182m Malaise. Eastern Dead Finish scrub 22Sep-20Oct2008. 17261 Lambkin, Starick, Emmott (1, QM).
Diagnosis. Pronotum rounded to weakly tuberculate, disc reflective in appearance, moderately punctate and weakly punctate-rugulose with impunctate areas, central impression not sulcate, tumescent areas either side of central impression indistinct; elytra dark with yellow-orange maculae (each elytron with a small faint humeral macula, a large central fasciate macula which converges slightly towards the suture, plus an apical macula which meets the external and sutural margins), punctation without nodules, 8 th stria beginning anterior to half way between base and fascia (between 2 nd and 7 th punctation of 7 th stria), all ten striae reaching apical macula, basal and apical punctation similar in diameter, often more than one seta across interstrial width (particularly basal half); femora yellow and brown, tarsi with three ventral tarsal pads.
Ancyropilus exossuarius sp. nov. is superficially similar in appearance to Notopilo cambageicola sp. nov. (due to pronotal shape, general colouration and elytral maculation), though is easily recognised by the elongation of the elytra (length to width ratio of about 3:1 or longer) and elytral punctation, which lack nodules and do not differ significantly in diameter from the base to apex.
Description. Habitus: Fig. 140. Total length: 5.9–8 mm (holotype, 8 mm). Head: Vertex and frons black, clypeus reddish-brown, anteclypeus semi-transparent orange, labrum, antennae and palpi orange to orange-brown; eyes separated by about 0.53–0.71 eye widths (holotype, 0.65); vertex and upper part of frons punctate-rugulose, lower part of frons (above epistomal suture) transversely rugulose with occasional punctation near eye margins; clypeus with lateral punctation; genae and submentum wrinkled; exterior margins of terminal palpomeres about 1.5 times (maxillae) and 2 times (labium) the length of inside edges; antennae reaching near base of pronotum; eyes and cranium with long erect pale setae, frons and vertex with denser shorter medially-directed setae. Prothorax: Black to brownish, pronotal arch and basal collar often paler than disc, prosternum brownish-black (if pronotum black) or paler brown (if pronotum brown); pronotum about 1.2–1.35 times longer than wide (holotype, 1.24), sides rounded to weakly tuberculate, middle wider than pronotal arch; subapical depression v-shaped, central impression reasonably deep though obscure, not sulcate; disc with a smooth, reflective, general appearance, punctate near middle, punctate-rugulose laterally, a glabrous stripe basally from central impression, shorter semi-glabrous areas either side from base, a weak ovoid partly glabrous tumescence either side of central impression; lateral impression conspicuous, obscurly-shaped, positioned above weak lateral tubercle; disc with fine short multi-directional setae and sparser long erect setae. Pterothorax: Ventrites brown, with fine pale posteriorly- or medially-directed setae; elytra dark brown with yellow-orange markings (each elytron with a small faint humeral macula, a large central fasciate macula which converges slightly towards the suture, plus an apical macula which meets the external and sutural margins), length to width ratio 2.94–3.16:1 (holotype, 3.05:1); 8 th stria beginning anterior to half way between base and fascia (between 2 nd and 7 th punctation of 7 th stria), all ten striae reaching apical macula; punctation circular, without nodules, basal and apical punctation similar in diameter, punctures within striae close together (creating an appearance of neat straight rows of punctures); epipleurae extending into apical maculae; interstriae with short fine setae (usually more than one per puncture), plus erect setae only slightly longer or of similar length (one every two or three punctures), striae often with more than one seta across interstrial width (mostly in basal half); hindwing with CuA 3+4 and CuA 1 cross-veins complete, MP 3+4 basad of CuA 1 crossvein small (but not completely absent). Legs: Approximately basal three-fifths of femora yellow, remaining parts of femora brown (dark brown then paler brown near joint); tibiae and tarsi brown, tibial carinae darker; ventral tarsal pads yellowish; meso- and metafemora slender, profemora weakly swollen. Abdomen: Ventrites brown. Male genitalia: Tegmen (Fig. 29) with tegbase slightly wider than parameroid lobes, slightly narrowed between middle and robust parameroid lobes, apex tapered to a digitiform process, dorsal sinus about one-fifth tegmen length, inner margins weakly converging internally, internal limit curved, ventral sinus longer and broader than dorsal sinus, length of apodeme about one-fifth tegmen length; median lobe as in Fig. 68; pygidium as in Fig. 104.
Variation. In one male specimen from Plevna Downs (QM code 17284) the spaces between punctures in the longitudinal plane are proportionally larger than in other specimens of the type series, giving the impression that the striae are less orderly.
Etymology. The specific epithet exossuarius (from Latin ‘ex’ meaning from and, Latin ‘ossuarius’ meaning place for the bones of the dead) refers to the type locality Plevna Downs, an area of central Queensland known for its rich fossil deposits.
Biology. Specimens were collected from January to July and in September and October using Malaise traps in eucalypt and gidgee habitats.
Distribution (Map 1). Ancyropilus exossuarius sp. nov. is known from three locations in western Queensland, from as far north as 24ºS, to near the NSW border.
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Linked records
Additional details
- Collection code
- QM
- Event date
- 2008-01-13 , 2008-04-24 , 2008-09-10 , 2008-09-16 , 2008-09-22 , 2009-03-15
- Family
- Cleridae
- Genus
- Ancyropilus
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Coleoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Bartlett & Lambkin
- Species
- exossuarius
- Taxonomic status
- sp. nov.
- Taxon rank
- species
- Type status
- holotype , paratype
- Verbatim event date
- 2008-01-13/04-03 , 2008-04-24/07-24 , 2008-09-10/26 , 2008-09-16/10-02 , 2008-09-22/10-20 , 2009-03-15/04-03
- Taxonomic concept label
- Ancyropilus exossuarius Bartlett & Lambkin, 2022