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Published June 25, 2013 | Version pdf
Journal article Open

Detoxic Properties Of Serotonin-Modulating Anticonsolidation Protein To Toxins Of Chemical And Bacterial Origin

  • 1. İnstitute of Physiology named after A.I.Garayev
  • 2. İnstitute of Medical Profilactics named after of V.Akhundon
  • 3. U.S. National Cancer İnstitute


The activity of a novel serotonin-modulating anticonsolidation protein (SMAP), being in linear relationship with serotonin, as a detoxic agent against toxins of chemical and bacterial origin was studied. It was found that SMAP administration to animals provides detoxic and antimutagenic protection of organism’s cells from damaging effects of toxins. With application of western blotting technique ability of SMAP to induce upregulation of heat shock protein with molecular mass of 70 kDa (HSP70) is shown. Authors explain detoxic activity of SMAP due to upregulation of HSP70 as well as due to its possible effect on condensation/decondensation processes of the chromatin structure.



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