Published December 22, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Transformation of Artistic Forms of Ukrainian Docudrama in the Context of Postmodern Trends

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to identify the transformational form-creating processes of the Ukrainian television art of the 21st century on the example of the genre of documentary drama in the context of postmodern trends. Research Methodology. The following methods have been applied in the article: analytical and historical, cultural methods (to understand process of infotainment formation and development in the context of the Ukrainian television space at the beginning of the 21st century), cultural method (to develop the necessary view of the modern Ukrainian television art, the special feature of the postmodern concept implementation in the media space, the issues of mass culture and mass communications), the method of art history, conceptual and cognitive analyses, which contributed to the understanding of the conceptual representation of information and entertainment presentation of material in the modern Ukrainian television. Scientific Novelty. The article presented an attempt to determine the peculiarity of the aesthetics of the Ukrainian documentary drama in the context of infotainment of domestic television, and also to demonstrate its main artistic, figurative and technological features; to identify challenges and prospects for further development of a new genre of the modern television art. Conclusions. In the development of the domestic docudrama, wide possibilities of video editing and post-production technologies are used, but the creators are particularly demanding in choosing the means that are organic to the artistic language of films. The use of video editing and computer visual effects is an expressive tool for creating a “digital chronotope” that can reveal the philosophy of documentary drama and inject it with virtuality. Evolution tendencies of the Ukrainian documentary drama in the process of infotainment of television art give evidence of the establishment of a democratic screen language aimed at a wide audience, and at the same time of the strengthening of the philosophical sound of works. In our opinion, the process of globalization and convergence of techniques and methods of television documentary and infotainment, interaction and interpenetration of various verbal and non-verbal characteristics in the near future will have transition from quantity to quality.


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