Published October 30, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Geomorphological characteristic of the plateaus in Northeastern Bulgaria

  • 1. Konstantin Preslavski University of Shumen


The work deals with the geomorphological characteristics of the plateaus in Northeastern Bulgaria. It gives information about the geography, relief and rocks of the plateaus. Special attention has been paid to the borders, morphology, hydrography, the surface rocks, geomorphological characteristics (flat surfaces and river terraces) and the manifestation of the exogenic processes. The geomorphological analysis was carried out in connection with the use of the plateaus as a geomorphological resource. The analysis deals with the unique combination of specific relief forms, various hydrological sites, a unique landscape, natural and historical landmarks. Special attention has been paid to the nature parks, reserves, protected natural landmarks and hunting grounds in the area of the plateaus in Northeastern Bulgaria. The text is visually enriched with original map material and author’s photos of characteristic sites in the area of the plateaus. In the final part of the text there are recommendations to competent local and government institutions to direct their efforts in utilizing the still unappreciated unique relief forms and natural landmarks. To do that, competent specialists should be employed, who will draw up a marketing strategy for the utilization and popularization of the natural landmarks and the cultural-historic heritage of the plateaus in Northeastern Bulgaria.



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