Cultural and Recreational Component Service of City Hotel and Restaurant Complexes
The purpose of the study is to analyse the features of the cultural and recreational component of modern hotel and restaurant service. The research methodology is based on the inclusion of scientific approaches and methods. The tools of culturological, sociocultural and systemic approaches were used, in particular, to substantiate the socio-cultural and recreational and leisure component and to analyse the practical experience in the field of hotel and restaurant service. The scientific novelty of the study is to substantiate the importance of the cultural and recreational component and the possibility of its satisfaction, in particular on the example of the service of the hotel and restaurant complex Hotel SPA in Vorzel. Conclusions. Dynamic change and expansion of human needs and interests require changes in the socio-cultural environment, which, in turn, determines human activities, needs, well-being, adaptation and behaviour. Therefore, service acquires specific features of subjectsubjective, designed into the standard value-based component of the relationship in the socio-cultural space. Nowadays, weekend tourism is becoming more widespread, which puts forward new requirements for the service. Man of today needs and seeks new impressions and emotions. Mainly, they depend on a choice of a location and the creation of the concept of future services. Therefore, modern service begins with choosing a place to build a hotel and restaurant complex. An example of a successful solution to the concept of cultural and relaxation needs of the visitor and the current related service is the activity of the Hotel SPA in Vorzel. In addition to some traditional catering and accommodation services, it pays great attention to meeting customers’ cultural, leisure and recreational needs and is child friendly. So, under current conditions and within the city, you can create a complex that will meet all the wishes of a person who needs to restore physical and psychoemotional needs.
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