Some Inscriptions from Philadelphia
This paper concerns 8 ancient Greek inscriptions discovered during the course of surveys at Philadelphia (modern Alaşehir/Manisa), one of the significant cities of Lydia. Even though the insciptions were transcribed in miniscule lettering and roughly edited by SEG editors based upon the majuscule forms provided by the survey team in their research report, their full edition has not as yet been accomplished. In no. 1, a high-priestess (arkhierea) whose name remains unknown due to the break on the stone is honoured. That the woman is mentioned as the high-priestess of the gods of the fatherland is striking and the authors stress that what is meant by this expression should be θεοί πατρώοι / πάτριοι. No. 2 is dedicated to Thea Megale by a certain Lindos, No. 3 is dedicated to Hephaistos by a person whose name is partly preserved on the stone. No. 4 is a dedication by Curtia Iulia Valentilla, a woman of consular rank. In this article, all the epigraphical data concerning this woman are compiled and evaluated. Nos. 5-6 and 8 are in a fragmentary condition and therefore their full content cannot be deduced. No. 7 is a fragment belonging to a funerary epigram. Although the content of the inscription is not entirely known, it is yet another example of the theme treated in the epigrams, i.e. the souls of the deceased being accepted by the sky.
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