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Published December 12, 2022 | Version v2
Journal article Open

Financial Risk Analysis in Renewable Energy Companies

  • 1. PhD Candidate
  • 2. PhD


Global energy demand increases every year. It is needed new energy sources. Renewable energy companies play an essential role in producing or storing alternative energy sources. As they have high assets and liabilities, there can be a financial risk. This study examined the financial risks of alternative energy companies for the Alternative Energy Foreign Equity Fund. It comprises publicly traded renewable energy companies operating in different countries. The study employed the least-squares method for a panel data analysis of financial ratios calculated from companies' financial statements between 2017 and 2021. The data were obtained from the Wall Street Journal Market database, Yahoo Finance, and the companies financial statements. Financial expenses coverage ratio and financing ratios were included in the model to examine the financial structure. Financial risk ratio, financial leverage ratio, and total assets were included in the model to evaluate the financial risk status of the companies. The results showed that financial risk ratio, capital structure, financing costs, and debt repayment ability affected alternative energy companies' performance.


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Journal article: 2687-5098 (ISSN)