Cultural Dimension of the Ukrainian Media Space in Interaction with the American Model of News Reporting
The purpose of the article is to determine the influence of American news reporting on the current state of the media space in Ukraine within the cultural aspect. The research methodology provides a cultural approach, which includes the analysis of changes in Ukrainian society and the transformation of news reporting. Reporter methods were used to perceive and interpret news and the journalist’s news work. The analytical approach has helped to identify the influence of the American model of news reporting on the intellectual culture of Ukraine. The modelling method was applied for impact analysis of Ukrainian news reporting future model within the media space. Comparative analysis was used to compare American and Ukrainian models of news reporting. The scientific novelty is that for the first time, the cultural aspect of American model impact on the modern Ukrainian media space was studied and the future model of Ukrainian news reporting in the media space was predicted. Conclusions. It has been proven that with the project influence, media culture reaches a new level in cooperation with the media. Mass culture and postmodern media discourse have become attributes of contemporary Ukrainian culture. The entry of the news genre into a new phase of development allows us to qualify them as a subsystem that is the object of influence of the culture of society, and as its subject. At the same time, the media is a channel that influences cultural priorities and changes in the attitude of mind. And, the genesis of Ukrainian news reporting, as a subsystem of culture, has added new qualities that have signs of autonomy, secrecy and generalisation.
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