Published June 25, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Artistic Means of Expression in the Clothing Collections of Ukrainian Designers in 2009–2019

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to identify and analyse the most characteristic artistic means of expression in the creative works of Ukrainian fashion designers in 2009-2019. Research methodology. The authors of the article apply general scientific research methods of analysis, synthesis, and generalization of artistic means of expression in clothing design. Scientific novelty. The article demonstrates the main silhouettes, the main colour scheme, types of fabrics, types of decoration and trimming, types of accessories inherent in the creative works of Ukrainian fashion designers during 2009-2019. Conclusions. The article provides an analysis of the creative work of the leading Ukrainian fashion designers. Their creative work over the last decade, which embodies the personal style of their work, has been reviewed. The analysis of clothing models has been performed according to the following parameters: silhouette shape, colour scheme, types of fabrics, types of decoration and trimming, accessories. The artistic means of expression used by Ukrainian designers over the past ten years have been systematized. The article reveals common and distinctive features that are inherent in the work of domestic fashion designers. Visual analysis of collections by silhouette shape, colour scheme, fabric, decoration, trimming, and accessories revealed that the shape of a silhouette in the form of a rectangle became the most used silhouette by Ukrainian fashion designers during 2009-2019; three colours, namely beige, white and black were the most preferable in a colour scheme. Knitted fabrics, leather, and silk light fabrics were the most popular in the manufacture of clothing. The author’s prints and embroidery were the most used decoration, while pleats and tucks prevailed in the design principles of decoration.



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