Published June 25, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Synergy Effect in Joint Performance Activity

  • 1. Mykola Lysenko Lviv National Music Academy, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is an attempt to substantiate the professional synergy of two musicians as a basic component of the art of joint musical action, to determine ways to gain experience in creative communication in the conditions of their professional interaction while working on a composition, to define an algorithm and create a single psycho-emotional space, which appear as the basic concept for implementing a joint performance. The research methodology combines the following methods: analytical (analysis of the communicative interaction of musicians in psychological and musicological aspects); hermeneutical (synergy study in terms of increasing the effectiveness of activities as a result of combining individual components into a single system due to the so-called “total effect”) and observational (firsthand pedagogical experience and experiment: analysis of the educational process in the concertmaster class and during students' concertmaster practice in vocal, instrumental classes, opera, symphony and choral conducting classes of the Mykola Lysenko Lviv National Music Academy; in the classes of chamber music (zespól kameralny) and during teaching the course “Warsztaty Artystyczne” at the Department of Music of Jan Dlugosz University (Czestochowa, Poland). Scientific reflection is focused on awareness of the importance of the interaction between a pianist-concertmaster and a soloist. Conclusions. The author of the article has identified conditions focused on the actualization of the motivational orientation of the integration of knowledge and skills of each performer. The article states the importance of parity interaction between the concertmaster and the soloist, which will help to increase the effectiveness of the joint activity. The article emphasizes the importance of creating a single psycho-emotional space, where a psychological attitude to “cooperation in interaction” is formed with the appropriate coordination of joint performance tasks, which are the fundamental basis for a convincing final result as a professional total effect.



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