Published June 25, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Artistic Features of the Hutsul Region Memorials (The Second Half of the 19th and the First Third of the 20th Centuries)

  • 1. Ukrainian National Forestry University, Lviv, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to identify the artistic features of the Hutsul region memorials over the heyday of stonecraft and woodcraft of the second half of the 19th and the first third of the 20th centuries. The research methodology is the general scientific principles of historicism and a systematic approach. There are research methods. The source criticism is to analyse the thematic and ideological features of the memorials. The author used a complex method to define the artistic features of the memorials. The method of analysis was used to study the proportional features of the components of the memorial site. The scientific novelty of the study is that for the first time in Art Studies the Hutsul region memorials are under study. During the Soviet period, many of them were destroyed. Almost all of the reviewed objects were introduced into scientific use by the author of the article for the first time. All material is collected during the site visits. Conclusions. The article analyses the artistic features of the Hutsul region memorials. The article proves that the stylistic and theme of the sculptural decor are connected with the traditions of Ukrainian icon painting and sacral architecture. There are inscriptions in the traditional Eastern Rite Church lettering. The article reviews a variety of themes and dedications as a memorial dedicated to the Abolition of the Corvée in 1848, grave memorials with crosses, with images of Jesus Christ, Saints of the Christian cult, etc. The author overviews the value of the memorials for religious life and sacral culture of the Hutsul Ukrainians. Memorials of the second part of the 19th and the first third of the 20th centuries need restoration, cataloguing and preservation. After all, they are made mainly of the Yamna sandstone, a soft and weather-sensitive material. Research materials can be used in the creation of tourist routes, in the modern memorials’ development, and for the restoration of old monuments.



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