Published October 25, 2015 | Version pdf
Journal article Open

Estimation Of Adaptability of Varieties Of Bread And Durum Wheat In Karabakh Lowland


The article is devoted to the results of studying the adaptive value of durum (Triticum durum Desf.) and and bread (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties of wheat, conducted in the years 2010-2014, under conditions of Karabakh lowland (Tartar ZES Az. Research Institute of Crop Husbandry). The results of a comparative study of the yield and quality of grain from the genotypes of Azerbaijan, CIMMIT and ICARDA, were analyzed in the years differing in agroecological conditions. The adaptability grade was assessed on the basis of analysis of the relationship of climatic conditions with yield per unit area and grain quality indicators. Highlighted accessions (Provinciale 13/2013, Mahmud 80, U 11AGEC-13, U 11AGEC-14, Lutescens 70/11, etc.) were characterized by high adaptability under limiting stress conditions. A substantial positive correlation between glassiness with mass of 1000 grains and high negative correlation of sedimentation with glassiness grain and with a mass of 1000 grains was found.



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