Published October 25, 2015 | Version pdf
Journal article Open

Morphological Features and Quality Indicators of the Eldar Pine Pollens Spread in Absheron Technogen Areas

  • 1. Central Botanical Garden, ANAS


The article was dedicated to the comparative investigation of the Morphological features and quality indicators of the Eldar pine pollens which were introduced to the Absheron condition. Objects of the investigation were male generative organs of Eldar pine collected from different parts of Absheron peninsula. Samples were collected from trees in Baku and Sumgait city parks, green areas in polluted zones and less polluted Central Botanical Garden. Eldar Pine pollen sterilization and morphological structure were studied under laboratory conditions. The JMP program tools were used for the analysis of statistical data. The length of Eldar Pine pollen grain was (L) 48.4-69.1 µm, length of the grain body (A) 29.7-50.3 µm and height (B) 33.5-44.6 µm, length of the pollen sac (C) 21.3-29.4 µm and height 28.1-36.8 µm. As a result of the investigations it was defined that Eldar pine pollens which were cultivated in 10% sucrose solution in most cases are sterile, small, hypertrophic and had one air sac. In few cases there were observed anomalies like nonexistence of air sac, bifurcating, bending and branching out pollens.



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