Published October 29, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Socio-cultural Interaction under Global Political Transformations

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to analyse the basic mechanisms of the involved and complex process of sociocultural interaction under global political transformations. Research methodology. The interdisciplinary nature of the research issue involves the use of anthropological, historical and typological description; cultural-historical, comparative analysis; comparative studies and systematics. The structural and functional method is used to study the specifics of culture and politics; civilisational and comparative-historical methods are used to study the features of sociocultural interaction of society because of the transformation of the political system (institutions); a systematic approach provides a comprehensive analysis of the process of sociocultural globalisation. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that issues and features of sociocultural interaction in the context of globalisation are considered for the first time; two viewpoints of globalists, supporters of the development of global culture and anti-globalists who oppose cultural assimilation and cultural globalisation have been identified and characterised. Conclusions. It has been argued that the mechanisms of sociocultural globalisation must be based on the objectivity of global political transformations and the impossibility of stopping them. Sociocultural globalisation strengthens intercultural dialogue and interaction, the civil society’s approach, expands the rights and freedoms of people, improves the quality and standard of living, and deepens understanding of specific features of other cultures, which harmonises the overall international relations system. The article shows that some skills development is important for more effective intercultural communication under globalisation and intensification of intercultural interaction. The development of such skills will allow representatives of different cultures and peoples to understand the similarities and differences between different cultures, enrich the achievements of other cultures’ heritage, and navigate the cultural diversity of the modern world.



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