Published October 29, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Leisure Practices of Personality in the Media Space: Issues of Information and Psychological Security

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • 2. Institute of Design, Architecture and Journalism


The purpose of the article is to determine the media space and distinguish the main approaches to information and psychological security related to the media influence in the leisure practice of a person. The research methodology consists of the use of social and axiological approaches, which allowed us to consider the concept of “leisure media space” as a sociopsychological phenomenon that directly impacts the psychology of a person. Scientific novelty. The article analyses the concepts of media space, “aggressive” media environment; offers the code definition of media security of the person as the primary component of information and psychological safety; defines the media education content. Conclusions. It is proved that a person being in the media space formed by modern media undergoes information influences that transform their behaviour, psyche, worldview and sometimes manipulate psychology. We emphasized the need for media security of the individual as a major component of information and psychological security in current conditions, given that young people today are a global media’s target audience, and the use of media is an essential part of young people’s leisure. It is determined that one of the most critical components of information and psychological security is media mentoring and media education, the task of which is to form critical thinking for conscious consumption of media products, adequate evaluation of information and ability to resist external information aggression and propaganda, destructive media influences. The integration of media education in working with young people is a natural step and the need to develop a separate area of leisure pedagogy — media pedagogy of leisure activities.


Leisure_Practices_of_Personality_in_the _Media_Space_Issues_of_Information_and_Psychological_Security.pdf

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