Published April 12, 2023 | Version 2.0
Dataset Open

Active gas seepage in western Spitsbergen fjords, Svalbard archipelago: spatial extent and geological controls


The following digital data package is provided as part of the submission of the publication Rodes et al. (in review) Active gas seepage in western Spitsbergen fjords, Svalbard archipelago: spatial extent and geological controls, considered for publication in the journal Frontiers in Earth Science. The dataset contains the distribution and characteristics of the gas flares observed during the HE-449 cruise in 2015 and the GASGEM cruise in 2021. Moreover, it contains the interpreted outcropping areas of the geological units in Isfjorden and Van Mijenfjorden. Each dataset is provided in GeoJSON, Geopackage and Shapefile file extensions. Finally, we provide a minimal working example to calculate the flare density per multibeam area of outcropping geological units.


Rodes et

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