Published October 29, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The Support of Travel Bloggers by Leading Ukrainian Internet Media

  • 1. Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine
  • 2. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to characterise the support provided by leading Ukrainian digital media to travel bloggers. The research methodology includes the analysis of the main statistical and scientific sources on the interaction and support of travel bloggers by leading Ukrainian digital media and, accordingly, the methods of deduction and induction, as well as content analysis, are applied. Scientific novelty. The main levels and platforms of support for travel bloggers by leading Ukrainian digital media are identified. Relevant statistics and comparative analysis on the development of travel blogging in recent years are substantiated and presented. The information is systematised in order to further identify the main trends in the development of travel blogging in Ukraine. Conclusions. The main modern ratings of travel bloggers and the way they interact with the leading media platforms are described and analysed. The main personalities of domestic travel bloggers who can be positioned as leaders of public opinion are identified. Statistical sources in the context of the activities of leading travel bloggers and their promotion by leading media platforms are processed and systematised. The article outlines the main directions of the development of travel blogging in Ukraine. The authors of the article have collected theoretical and practical material to identify the leading trends in Ukrainian travel blogging. The article demonstrates that travel blogging is an important intersection of Ukrainian culture and economy (in the context of this study on mass media and tourism).



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