Published July 17, 2022 | Version 8.3
Software Open

MAN (Modal Analysis of Nanoresonators)


MAN is open-source software written in MATLAB and devoted to the analysis of electromagnetic resonators in the basis of their natural resonance modes, i.e. their quasinormal modes (QNMs). It combines the two first software packages, QNMPole and QNMEig, respectively launched in 2013 and 2018. The packages computes and normalizes the QNMs of virtually any electromagnetic resonator, be it composed of dispersive, anisotropic, or non-reciprocal materials. MAN additionally features many toolboxes that illustrate how to use the software for analyzing various emblematic geometries with a superposition of QNMs, therein providing a transparent interpretation of the physics. The toolboxes include a reconstruction of the scattered field, the extinction and absorption cross-sections, the far-field radiation, the Purcell factor...

A specific effort has been devoted to interface the solver with the finite-element software COMSOL Multiphysics. However, MAN requires little processing to be compatible other frequency-domain numerical solvers.

The physical and mathematical properties of electromagnetic QNMs are introduced in this video ( A presentation of the software capabilities is found in this video ( To see how to use the soft, please watch the demo (


Log of modifications: 12-09-2022 for the version 8.1: We have changed the COMSOL file names for the MATLAB scripts inside the folder \TUTORIALS\Pole. These MATLAB scripts can be run without any change now. 21-09-2022 for the version 8.2: We have added the RETICOLO-package folder. Before some functions cannot be run due to the missing of this folder. 05-12-2022 for the version 8.3: IMPORTANT update. We would like to acknowledge all the users and the referees of the paper ( who have pointed out the problems of the freeware in the past few months. In this version we have implemented the following modifications: 1. A new MATLAB function "Tutorial 1D.m" has been added in the TUTORIALS/common folder. "Tutorial 1D.m" is used for illustrating the algorithm of "QNMPole". It can be run without COMSOL. Users of other Maxwell solvers can easily modify it to deal with more complicated nano structures in 2D or 3D. 2. "BuildandSaveComsolModels.m" used to cause some error when it was run with COMSOL of version higher than 5.4. We have fixed the error in this version. In addition, we have provided the COMSOL ".mph" files. Users of COMSOL 6.0 or higher version do not need to rebuild the models with the function "BuildandSaveComsolModels.m". 3. A mistake in "getSymmetriesMultipliers2D.m" function has been fixed. 4. Some functions used for data visualization has been optimized. 5. Some minor modifications of the COMSOL models for more directly repeating the results in the paper 6. Some minor modification of the tutorial and example codes. 7. User guide has been modified. 8. A video to introduce the software capabilities and a demo how to use the software have been uploaded. See


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