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Published June 30, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Communicative Space of Modern Museums During the Pandemic

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to explore the communicative space of modern museums in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, to outline the main vectors of its development. The research methodology is based on the general scientific principle of objectivity, structural and functional, analytical methods are used during the analysis of the communicative space of museums in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Taking into account the current state of museums in Ukraine, the main theoretical achievements of the issue are systematized and generalized; it is shown that the topic of the research at the present stage has not yet been comprehensively reflected in the domestic scientific literature. The novelty of the article is to determine the main vectors of the development of the communicative space of foreign and domestic museums during the COVID-19 pandemic, to study the most successful projects of Ukrainian museums in the context of the transformation of the communicative space. Conclusions. The study shows that today the establishment of a sustained and constructive dialogue with its audience is an important result of the museum activities as one of the communication centers in the cultural space. This article demonstrates that there is a rather significant transformation of the museum environment and the museum communicative space, which is manifested in a combination of traditional and innovative directions, the development of adaptation strategies following the modern conditions. It is claimed that for museums the time of the pandemic is the time of mastering new communication channels, the time of pooling resources. Information technologies adjust and supplement the content of the main functions of museum’s activities. Without digital technologies and digital communication, the museum is no longer able to achieve its full potential as a sociocultural and educational institution. The article shows that during the COVID-19 pandemic the Internet communication between Ukrainian museums and their audience has actually become the only way to interact. To attract a new audience, Ukrainian museums are implementing inclusion practices, rebranding, interdisciplinary and inter-museum projects, applying creative approaches to adapt educational programmes to the online format, and significantly increasing the amount of content for children and adolescents.



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