Published February 1, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Critical clearing time estimation of multi-machine power system transient stability using fuzzy logic

  • 1. University of Mosul


Studying network stability requires determining the best critical clearing time (CCT) for the network after the fault has occurred. CCT is an essential issue for transient stability assessment (TSA) in the operation, security, and maintenance of an electrical power system. This paper proposes an algorithm to obtain CCT based on fuzzy logic (FL) under fault conditions, for a multi-machine power system. CCT was estimated using a two-step fuzzy logic algorithm: the first step is to calculate Δt, which represents the output of the FL, while maximum angle deviation (δmax) represents the input. The second step is to classify the system if it is a stable or unstable system, based on two inputs for FL, the first mechanical input power (Pm), the second average accelerations (Aav). The results of the proposed method were compared with the time domain simulation (TDS) method. The results showed the accuracy and speed of the estimation using the FL method, with an error rate not exceeding 5%, and reduced the performance time by about half the time. The proposed approach is tested on both IEEE-9 bus and IEEE-39 bus systems using simulation in MATLAB.


v 13 26824 EMr 8aug22 14dec21 N.pdf

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