Published December 17, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Found Sacred Concerts of D. Bortniansky in the Context of the Traditions of Solo Vocal Performance

  • 1. Mykola Lysenko Lviv National Music Academy, Lviv, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to study and introduce into scientific and public circulation the found sacred concerts of D. Bortniansky in the context of the traditions of solo vocal performance of the Classical period. The research methodology is based on historical, source-based, and analytical approaches. The historical method makes it possible to study the process of D. Bortniansky creation of sacred concerts and identify the reasons for the appearance of solo and ensemble structures in them. The source-based method allows us to outline the ways of the modern search for unknown concerts of the composer. The analytical method provides grounds to study the features of solo and ensemble structures, their genesis, and performing purpose. The scientific novelty of the article is to introduce into scientific circulation the found choral concerts of Dmitry Bortniansky, which were not included in the lifetime edition of the composer’s musical works and were not the object of scientific research. The analysis of the found concerts of D. Bortniansky leads to the conclusion that they clearly show signs that indicate trends of solo vocal performance. They are concentrated in solo and ensemble structures, which form contrasting comparisons with choral tutti. In the analysed concerts, which are an example of two types of concert cycle structure, ensembles of soloists first appear in slow parts: either in the second part, if the cycle begins with a fast tutti, and the sacred concert is festive and solemn, or in the first part (from the very first bars), if the cycle begins with a slow part and the sacred concert is lyrical and dramatic. The peculiarities of the cycle also affect the nature of the melody of solo and ensemble structures, primarily the interpretation of the soprano part. In concerts of the first type, the melody is generalised and more neutral, and the constructions themselves inherit the traits of cantus, while in concerts of the second type, the melody of the soprano solo part is close to the opera, and the presentation — to the duet. Despite the signs of solo vocal performance, in particular opera melody, the solo constructions of the analysed sacred concerts of D. Bortniansky may well be performed not by opera soloists, but by choristers. However, in the performance of soloists, the sound of ensembles will acquire a special depth and expressiveness.



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