Published December 17, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

On Monoculturalism Issue in Music

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to analyse the context of the use of the term monoculturalism in music, determine the features of the relation with the concept of multiculturalism, outline the prospects for their application. Research methodology. Analytical and comparative methods are to analyse the context of the application of the term monoculturalism in cultural and music literature and compare the meanings in the interpretation by different researchers. The scientific novelty of the study is the definition of criteria for applying the concepts of monoculture (monoculturalism) and multiculture (multiculturalism) in music background discourse. Conclusions. During the study, it has been revealed that in music art, the term monoculture is understood by the authors in different ways — in the sense of focusing on the traditions of certain national communities (with the restriction of interethnic influences) or on the conventions of individual social communities (with the restriction of national identity), the examples of which are the Soviet socialist realistic doctrine (CPSU officials introduced the restrictions) or contemporary mass art (the restrictions due to the laws of the market economy). The use of the term monoculture in works that are performed within the framework of the Kovcheh Ukraina Art Project, in particular, folk songs in authentic-sounding and modern arrangements, symphonic works by D. Bortniansky, M. Lysenko, B. Liatoshynsky, M. Skoryk, etc. has been analysed in detail by critics of The Claquers publication. It has been proved that the term monoculture is used uncritically in a negative emotional colour by the authors, the sources of which come from certain areas of sociology and agronomy, which forms a basis for discrimination and stigmatisation of creative initiatives aimed at maintenance and development of original national art. It has been noted that the ambiguity and instability of the term monoculture in music art is a prerequisite for its uncritical, politically motivated use. At the same time, the opposite concept is multiculturalism, ambiguously assessed by culturologists, can be used in music art.



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