Published September 3, 2022 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Analysis of Voltage Distribution and Connections within a High-Frequency Hairpin Winding Model


In the last years the adoption of hairpin windings is increasing, especially in the automotive sector, mainly due to their inherently high fill factor and electric loading capability.

A critical aspect related to the reliability and lifetime of every winding typology is the voltage stress due to the uneven voltage distribution. This phenomenon has already been largely analyzed in conventional stranded conductors, while a few studies are available for hairpin windings. With the spreading of wide bandgap devices, the investigation on voltage distribution becomes an ever-timely topic due to their short rise times. This paper presents an analysis of the uneven voltage distribution triggered within hairpin windings by a low rise time waveform, using a complete high-frequency winding model. The different options to series-connect different paths are investigated, providing simple but essential guidelines to reduce the electrical stress within hairpin windings.

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AUTO-MEA – AUTOmated Manufacturing of wound components for next generation Electrical mAchines 865354
European Commission